Freedom From Shame

Freedom From Shame

They say, “Shame dies when stories are told in safe places.” While that might be true, I believe that shame is conquered when stories are shared in places that might not be safe. When I used to share my story, I was selective over who was privy to that information. My...

How Adoptees Wrestle With Nature Vs. Nurture

How Adoptees Wrestle With Nature Vs. Nurture

As an adoptee, I have always been fascinated with the debate between Nature vs. Nurture. It is a topic of discussion that has been around for decades. Yet there is not one single answer. Depending on the circumstances and the individuals involved, the pendulum can...

Nature Vs. Nurture Is Not A Matter Of Assigning Value

Nature Vs. Nurture Is Not A Matter Of Assigning Value

Nature vs. Nurture is a funny thing to consider as an adoptive mom. When you open the door to my son’s room, there are many things you can learn by looking around. You’ll quickly learn that he loves the outdoors. There are mountains, bears, and woodland creatures...

A Birth Mother Reflects On Nature Versus Nurture

A Birth Mother Reflects On Nature Versus Nurture

The age-old question of ‘nature versus nurture’ has been a hot topic in the field of psychology for quite some time. This briefly delves into the fascinating interplay between our genetic makeup and the environment we grow up in, ultimately shaping our unique...

The Mother Hunger

The Mother Hunger

I believe every adult adoptee has an inner child yearning for healing. My inner adoptee is in a constant state of searching. The inner child within me can be found weeping on the ground or running from rejection. On rare and special occasions you can find my inner...

How to Embrace Ancestry And The Adoptee Journey

How to Embrace Ancestry And The Adoptee Journey

Ancestry is very important to adoptees. Knowing where we came from means the world to us. Learning who our parents are is part of that, but knowing family and cultural history is important as well. When I was in my mid-twenties, I discovered I really loved Eastern...