This year on National Day of Prayer, May 4, 2023, we focused some of our prayers in relation to the adoption journey. Most of us can agree that post-placement is almost where we need the most help and guidance in our adoption journey. While were in the middle of the adoption process, we probably would have said otherwise. But now that we find yourselves post-placement, we see that now is really the time to focus even more on prayer, guidance, counseling, support, and education. Need some prayer points as guidance for this exercise? Here are a handful of prayer points below:

-Pray for…Your childs birth family. The grieving process of placing a child for adoption is real and raw. Your child’s birth parent(s) could use prayers of healing and peace. Not only your child’s birth parents, but quite possibly other biological family members as well who may be grieving the adoption. Along with their healing and peace, pray that they would come to know Jesus if they do not.

– Pray for…Your childs trauma. Whether adopted from birth, toddler, or teen, every adopted child goes through some sort of trauma and grief over their adoption. While it looks different for each person, it is something to be in heavy prayer over. Pray for the Lord to give you the tools you need to help your child navigate through this.

– Pray for…Your childs identity. Just like their trauma, your child could possibly go through an identity crisis when it comes to their adoption. Again, it can look different for each adoptee, but it is good to be prepared that this may come up with your child. Pray for the Lord to give you the wisdom as their parent to guide them through this however that looks in your family and pray for the Lord to root your child’s identity in Christ alone.

Pray for…Your family to thrive. Adoption is a lot on so many levels! There can be lots of pressure and stress on a family with the adoption journey, but pray against spiritual warfare in this area of your life. Even when times are hard, remember that God chose you specifically to be your child’s parent.

Pray for…Your adoptees mental health. The adoption journey can be beautiful but can also be hard. As your child is trying to process their story, it can take a toll on their mental health. Pray for the Lord to send you the right resources and right trauma-informed, adoption competent therapist if you find yourself in a situation that calls for it.

Pray for… A supportive adoptive community. As Believers, we are not called to do life alone! It is so comforting when you can find people who have been through similar circumstances as you, including the adoption process. Pray for the Lord to lead you to an adoption community, whether that be in person in your community or virtually online.

-Pray for… Openness to happen with the biological family. If you were once in an open adoption and find yourself not in one now or if you never had openness in your adoption but desired to, pray that the Lord would open doors and part waters for this to happen. Having openness in adoption between adoptive family, child, and biological family, is incredibly healing for everyone involved.

Pray for… For the Gospel to be known in your adoption triad. The most important prayer point when it comes to the adoption process is for everyone involved to know Jesus. May He use us however He sees fit and always get the glory in everything we do.


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