Get Connected
Being in community with other birth mothers is so important! We have developed a monthly curriculum to connect, heal, and thrive together.
- Groups are a safe place for Birth Mothers to share their experiences and take steps of healing together in a judgment free zone.
- All Birth Mothers are welcome regardless of when or where you placed your child(ren) for Adoption.
- Each group is approximately 2 hours long.
- We also take time to just have fun together!

“I have learned through this group it is okay to not be okay. That even though it was the best one I could make, I can cry and hurt– and that is okay.” -Rachel, birth mom
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“Finally!! This group provides what the “pro-life” community has been missing…a place to love, honor, support, encourage and grieve with women who make the beautifully painful decision to place their babies for adoption. As an Executive Director of a Pregnancy Center I’ve been encouraged by the amount of effort put into helping a woman choose an adoption plan yet so discouraged at the lack of support for her after the placement. It is my hope that other pregnancy centers will begin to see the importance of not only offering healing to those who are post abortive but also to those who are Birth Mother’s. If pregnancy centers are not offering this…”Who will?”. In our center this has been a game changer, it has opened doors for women who may never have walked through our doors because they are not pregnant. Oh the stories, I could share!!! The most shocking thing that happened was that two clients we have worked closely with were both birth moms but never told us or indicated it on their paper work. They didn’t tell us because they didn’t think anyone would understand. How many women in our churches are suffering alone? What about your staff? And last but not least every client that has walked through your doors. If you have one new thing you’d like to start this year, I’d encourage you to seek the Lord regarding Birth Mom Support.” – Cheryl Bennet
“I have to tell you it has made such a difference in my life and my journey to healing. It has been amazing to be able to share openly, the unresolved sadness and shame from placing my daughter 41 years ago with women that understand exactly how I am feeling even if they had a completely different type of adoption experience. Each time we meet I learn more about the other women and myself. I am more confident in my job as a nurse working in a pro-life pregnancy center/ministry and I have forgiven myself and for the first time in my life let go of the past. I can’t wait to continue to help other birthmothers as a facilitator here at A New Generation. Every pregnancy center should be offering this to clients and their staff and volunteers.”
– Karen Bland