
Nurturing Your Mind, Body, and Spirit as Adoptive Parents

Nurturing Your Mind, Body, and Spirit as Adoptive Parents

As we delve into the theme of mental health this November, it's crucial to be mindful of the saying, "You can't pour from an empty cup." This is especially pertinent for adoptive parents, as we must prioritize our well-being—physically, mentally, and spiritually—to...

The Benefits of Honoring Traditions in an Adoptive Family

The Benefits of Honoring Traditions in an Adoptive Family

What does it mean to Honor traditions in an adoptive familly? Honoring traditions is a way to honor life and our experiences. We celebrate the journey of those who came before us, deepen our understanding of who we are, and create a foundation upon which future...

Traditions for Birth Mothers

Traditions for Birth Mothers

As a birth mother, incorporating traditions into my adoption took some time and consideration. Traditions are important because they can serve as a way to commemorate milestones or important dates. Some traditions are only performed privately by the birth mother for...

Navigating Competition Within the Adoption Community

Navigating Competition Within the Adoption Community

When I was nine years old, my parents had the opportunity to run the very orphanage from which I was adopted. We spent two and a half to three years in Haiti as missionaries, a period that impacted me then and continues to influence me now. At the time, I didn’t fully...

Navigating Competition Between Adoptive and Birth Parents

Navigating Competition Between Adoptive and Birth Parents

Navigating Competition Between Adoptive and Birth Parents Competition refers to the rivalry between individuals or groups striving for the same goal, such as winning a contest, achieving a high level of performance, or gaining recognition or rewards. It involves the...

Navigating Competition: From a Birth Mother’s Perspective

Navigating Competition: From a Birth Mother’s Perspective

​Navigating Competition: From a Birth Mother’s Perspective Adoption is a complex and beautiful journey that brings together Birth Mothers, Adoptive Mothers, and Adoptees in a unique and profound way. However, adoption comes with its own set of challenges. One such...