How Much You Share About Your Adoption Story Impacts Others
National Tell a Story Day is April 27, 2023. When I think about telling a story in regards to adoption, my mind goes to telling my family’s adoption story. No two adoption stories are alike. It is easy to want to hear other adoption stories and compare it to your own....
Should there be unrestricted access to adoptee original birth certificates?
This is a hot topic lately. There are states trying to pass new legislation to make access to adoptee original birth certificates a reality. There are entities out there protesting this. Adoptees are searching for their history with no real place to start. As birth...
Why We Need To Meet Adoptee Mental Health Head-On
More people are aware of mental health than ever nowadays. The general public is more open to talking about their struggles with anxiety, depression, and a whole other host of mental health issues. But for a teen, talking about their mental health, especially to...
How Much Has The Adoption Process Changed in 10 Years
As we look back this month on the progress that has been made in the adoption world, I wanted to sit and interview a fellow adoptive parent: my own mom! She and my dad adopted my sister from China when I was 17 years old. Watching them go through the adoption process...
The Baby Scoop Era: It’s Effects, And Our Continual Recovery From It
Adoption has come a long way over the years. Unfortunately, there were a lot of misguided, uneducated, and hurtful practices used in the past that have had long lasting negative impacts on all sides of the adoption triad today. Many of these originated during...
Heritage Months and Transracial Adoption
How To Mend Cultural Divides In Transracial Adoption Heritage months are a celebration of culture and ethnicity. When embraced and respected, Heritage months can mend cultural divides. Mending cultural divides means getting uncomfortable and listening to people...
Getting Real About Raising An Interracial Family
I’ll admit husband and I had a bit of a ‘leg up’ when it came to being open to our preferences during the adoption process. Preferences is an odd term to use when adopting a child, but in the adoption world, that is the language used when deciding on what you...